Regional Competition

The Wall

Nikola Polić
Screening time  
25.02. / Monday, 14:00 - 16:00 Theatre 5  
26.02. / Tuesday, 19:00 - 21:00 Theatre 1  
01.03. / Friday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 2  
A wall built two decades ago in a small primary school in the Kosovo village of Rubovce still separates the young Albanian and Serbian students.

In the Kosovo village of Rubovce, twenty kilometres south of the capital, Prishtina, a wall built two decades ago in a small primary school still separates young Albanian and Serbian students. A nineteen-year old filmmaker Nikola Polić and cinematographer Husamettin Luma use their probing camera to create an intense, moody and elegiac atmosphere.


Nikola Polić

Nikola Polić was born in Loznica in 1993. When he was seventeen years old he made his first documentary film Invisibles, which explores the world of sexual workers in Serbia. Film was shot in 2010 as part of Free Zone Jr. Project and got an award from the Ministry of Labor and Social Politics of Serbia. The Wall is his second feature film.

General sponsor

Zid / Mur

2012, 25', video

Directed by:
Nikola Polić

Screenplay by:
Nikola Polić

Husamettin Luma

Edited by:
Branka Pavlović

Janja Lončar

Veton Nurkollari

Produced by:

Festivals & Awards:

DokuFest 2012; Free Zone 2012; Pravo Ljudski Film Festival 2012; Contours of Contemporary Kosovo – Istanbul Modern 2012