Biography Dox

How to Start a Revolution

Ruaridh Arrow
Screening time  
26.02. / Tuesday, 17:00 - 19:00 Theatre 1  
Meet Gene Sharp, a quiet, unassuming, and softly spoken, 83-year-old professor who is celebrated by revolutionaries and feared by dictators.

As waves of revolutionary spirit sweep the world, one man’s ideas continue to inspire, mobilise and unite protestors, giving them the tools to topple authoritarian regimes. Quiet, unassuming, and softly spoken, 83-year-old Professor Gene Sharp is celebrated by revolutionaries and feared by dictators. For the first time, this film shows how Nobel Peace Prize nominee Gene’s controversial book ‘From Dictatorship to Democracy’ has been used against dictatorships from Serbia to Ukraine to Iran, climaxing in its use in the Egyptian revolution and the ongoing Syrian uprising. We see how the book’s 198 strategic 'weapons' of non-violent direct action have brought dramatic results, and why it has become the standard manual for anyone wanting to start a revolution. Through exclusive interviews with Gene, his associates and the revolutionary leaders he has inspired, this film goes behind the scenes of revolutions, showing the sheer force of non-violent people power.


Ruaridh Arrow

Ruaridh Arrow trained as a newspaper journalist before moving to Sky News as a producer and then to Channel 4’s Dispatches programme. He has also produced programs for BBC News, More4 News and The Financial Times. While filming in Cairo he reported for the BBC from Tahrir Square during the Egyptian revolution.   

General sponsor

How to Start a Revolution

Great Britain
2011, 82', video

Directed by:
Ruaridh Arrow

Screenplay by:
Ruaridh Arrow

Philip Bloom

Edited by:
Michael Crozier

Richard Shaw

Produced by:
Lion Television

Festivals & Awards:

Barcelona Human Rights Film Festival 2012 - Best Documentary; Raindance Film Festival 2011 - Best Documentary; One World Film Festival Otawa 2011 - Special Jury Prize; Boston Film Festival 2011 - Best Documentary; Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival 2011 - Best Documentary; United Nations Documentary Film Festival 2012