Controversial Dox

The Gatekeepers

Dror Moreh
Screening time  
27.02. / Wednesday, 22:00 - 00:00 Theatre 4  
28.02. / Četvrtak, 23:00 - 01:00 Dvorana 1  
Six former Shin Bet leaders agree to speak publicly and candidly about their participation in some of Israel’s most controversial counterterrorist initiatives.

The legendary Shalom – who headed the operation to kidnap Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann from Buenos Aires in 1960 – is one of six former Shin Bet leaders who agree to speak publicly and candidly to Moreh about their time in the agency. Alongside Shalom are Yaakov Peri, under whose watch two Palestinian detainees died during interrogation, causing a firestorm of controversy; Carmi Gillon, who bore the brunt of responsibility for the failure to prevent the assassination of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin; Ami Ayalon, Avi Dichter and Yuval Diskin, the immediate predecessor to Shin Bet’s current director, known for his ruthlessness in combating terror but also a strong advocate for a two-state solution.

As these veteran intelligence chiefs speak with detachment about their participation in some of Israel’s most controversial counterterrorist initiatives both foreign and domestic, their steely singularity of purpose – maintain the state’s security – remains constant. As these men reflect on troubled careers constantly beset by life-or-death decisions, hard questions keep coming to fore. What constitutes acceptable “collateral damage”? Under what conditions does somebody have the authority to order another person’s death?


Dror Moreh

Dror Moreh was born in Jerusalem. He began his career as a cinematographer. His feature documentaries are Sharon (2008) and The Gatekeepers (2012).

General sponsor

The Gatekeepers

Israel, France, Germany, Belgium
2012, 95', video

Directed by:
Dror Moreh

Screenplay by:
Dror Moreh

Avner Shahaf

Edited by:
Oron Adar

Ab Ovo

Dror Moreh, Estelle Fialon, Philippa Kowarsky

Produced by:
Dror Moreh Productions, Les Films du Poisson, Cinephil

Festivals & Awards:

U.S. National Society of Film Critics Award for Best Documentary 2013; Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards 2012 – LAFCA Award for Best Documentary; New York Film Critics Circle Awards 2012 – NYFCC Award for Best Non-Fiction Film; Nominated for Academy Award 2013 (Oscar) for Best Documentary