Masters of Dox

Wrong Time Wrong Place

John Appel
Screening time  
26.02. / Tuesday, 20:00 - 22:00 Theatre 4  
On 22 July 2011, a bomb attack in the centre of Oslo and a shooting spree on the island Utoya took the lives of 77 people. This is a film about the two minutes that made the difference and about the bargain with fate.

On 22 July 2011, a bomb attack in the centre of Oslo and a shooting spree on the island Utoya took the lives of 77 people. It was the senseless, brutal act of one man: Anders Breivik. Wrong Time Wrong Place tells the story of five individuals who were present then and shows the role of coincidence in this tragedy. A sequence of small, trivial happenings marks the thin line between life and death. Two minutes earlier or later can be of decisive importance. This is a film about the bargain with fate. However much one tries to influence fate, in the end coincidence calls the shots.


John Appel

John Appel is a film director and producer born in 1958 in Wognum, Netherlands. He graduated from the Dutch Film and Television Academy in 1987. Author of more than 40 films for cinema and television, he is well known for his personal style in documentary filmmaking, coming close to his protagonists, based on what he calls "emotional research." In 1993. he made Johnny Meijer, his first feature documentary. Award winning André Hazes – She Believes in Me (1999) was a big cinema hit in the Netherlands. The Player (2009) was awarded best Dutch documentary at IDFA. Award winning Wrong Time Wrong Place screened at 2013 ZagrebDox, while The Magic of Editing (2015), a film about the artistic and ethical dilemmas in the documentaries editing room, screened at the 2016 festival edition and Appel held a masterclass on the same topic. He has collaborated as a mentor at many international workshops, gives masterclasses all over the world and was a jury member at major festivals.

General sponsor

Wrong Time Wrong Place

2012, 80', video

Directed by:
John Appel

Screenplay by:
John Appel

Erik van Empel

Edited by:
Mario Steenbergen

Wouter van Bemmel

Carmen Cobos

Produced by:
Cobos Films

Festivals & Awards:

IDFA International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam 2012