Musical Globe


Mercedes Stalenhoef
Screening time  
28.02. / Thursday, 20:00 - 22:00 Theatre 4  
01.03. / Friday, 23:00 - 01:00 Theatre 3  
An extraordinary documentary tale about a young jazz singer-songwriter Karsu Dönmez, the Dutch answer to Norah Jones.

Seventeen year old Karsu Dönmez, the Dutch answer to Norah Jones, is talented jazz singer-songwriter, who grew up in a Turkish family in Amsterdam. Full of passion she sings and plays piano in her parents’ Turkish restaurant. At night, she composes her music in absolute silence. Although her songs seem to reveal a soulful intensity, Karsu refuses to sing about her private life. Initially her parents, who grew up with traditional Turkish music, had to get accustomed to her music. But now they are proud of their beautiful daughter: they support and protect her and when she is invited to perform at Carnegie Hall in New York, the entire family accompanies her there.


Mercedes Stalenhoef

Mercedes Stalenhoef is a Dutch filmmaker who made films for Amnesty International from 1992 to 1995, when she started making independent films. Her credits include: Clean Clothes, I Just Take My Toys With Me, I Never Want To Be Famous and Carmen Meets Borat. I Never Want To Be Famous (2005) won the Golden Calf as a Special Jury Award at the Netherlands Film Festival 2006, was selected for the Joris Ivens Competition 2005 (IDFA), nominated for Prix Italia and Prix Europa. Carmen Meets Borat (2008) was submitted for Oscar, won Golden Centaur in St. Petersburg 2009 and Golden Lessinia in Italy 2009.

General sponsor


2012, 87', video

Directed by:
Mercedes Stalenhoef

Screenplay by:
Mercedes Stalenhoef

Gregor Meerman

Edited by:
Gys Zevenbergen

Pieter van Huijstee

Produced by:
Pieter van Huijstee Film

Festivals & Awards:

IDFA International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam 2012