State of Affairs

A Declaration of Interdependence

Tiffany Shlain
Screening time  
26.02. / Tuesday, 20:00 - 22:00 Theatre 5  
First they rewrote the U.S. Declaration of Independence to be A Declaration of Interdependence, and posted the script online. Then they asked people all over the world to video themselves reading the script in their native language.

An invitation posted on the Web to participate in a short film on the concept of interdependence attracted responses from hundreds of persons around the world, each posting images, videos or simple words. Video, art, and translation submissions poured in from around the world, in over 50 languages from English to Swahili. The result is a global rereading of the American Declaration of Independence, demonstrating the huge potential of exchange and collaboration in contemporary creativity in the 21st century. Animated by Stefan Nadelman, with music by Moby, a short, viral length of four minutes of A Declaration of Interdependence is an exhilarating montage of user-generated content.


Tiffany Shlain

Tiffany Shlain is a filmmaker, founder of The Webby Awards, co-founder of The International Academy of Digital Arts & Sciences, a Henry Crown Fellow of The Aspen Institute, and a mother of two. She was honoured by Newsweek as one of the Women Shaping the 21st Century. Her work with film, technology and activism has received 50 awards and distinctions including a Disruptive Innovation Award from the 2012 Tribeca Film Festival. Her last four films premiered at Sundance, including her 2011 acclaimed feature documentary, Connected: An Autoblogography about Love, Death & Technology.

General sponsor

A Declaration of Interdependence

2011, 4', video

Directed by:
Tiffany Shlain

Screenplay by:
Tiffany Shlain, Ken Goldberg, Sawyer Steele

Edited by:
Stefan Nadelman


Sawyer Steele

Produced by:
The Moxie Institute

Festivals & Awards:

Conscious Life Film Festival 2011; Black Maria Film and Video Festival 2012; Post Alley Film Festival 2012; Cleveland Film Festival 2012; Ashland Independent Film Festival 2012; Rincon International Film Festival 2012; Nashville Film Festival 2012; One Earth Film Festival 2012; CinemAmbiente International Environmental Film Festival 2012