State of Affairs

Backlight: The Power of the Rating Agencies

Martijn Kieft
Screening time  
01.03. / Friday, 20:00 - 22:00 Theatre 5  
Is it simply reading tea leaves, is credit rating a country is nothing but a guessing game?

“It is simply reading tea leaves. Credit rating a country is nothing but a guessing game”, says Jerome Fonds, former Moody’s executive. Who are these credit rating agencies anyway? What do they base their ratings on? And are their ratings of companies and countries even correct? Backlight: The Power of the Rating Agencies tells the story of the rating agencies, their impact on the financial markets, and their role on the world stage.


Martijn Kieft

Martijn Kieft is a reporter and documentary producer who works for Backlight, tv series of VPRO broadcasting company. In his documentaries and tv-series he focuses on economic subjects and future technologies. Martijn is currently working on a documentary about the changing role of philanthropy in today’s world.

General sponsor

Tegenlicht: De macht van de rating agencies

2012, 50', video

Directed by:
Martijn Kieft

Remco Bikkers

Edited by:
Christine Houbiers

Marie Schutgens

Produced by:
VPRO Television

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