Teen Dox

Anna Pavlova lives in Berlin

Theo Solnik
Screening time  
28.02. / Thursday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 5  
Anna Pavlova, the Russian party queen shows us the side of the party world that we rarely see.

Anna Pavlova, the Russian party queen, embodies the brutal happiness and tragedy of the Berlin party generation of our times. Lost on the edge between insanity and rare poetical lucidity, wandering alone through the streets of Berlin, she shows us the side of the party world that we rarely see. An anti-hero of the civilised society, her existence is a desperate attempt to live in never-ending happiness, in order not to see the world that begins when the party music ends.


Theo Solnik

Theo Solnik was born in Sao Paulo in 1981 and began to work in theatres as an actor and musician when he was 14 years old. After having studied Philosophy and Social Sciences at the University of Oslo, he made several short films as a director and cinematographer, worked as a freelance journalist and photographer and was the musical director of the third part of the 25-hour-long theatre play Epos ‘Os Sertões’ by the internationally acclaimed Brazilian company Teatro Oficina. Since 2006 he studies film directing at the German Film and Television Academy (DFFB) in Berlin.

General sponsor

Anna Pavlova lebt in Berlin

2011, 79', video

Directed by:
Theo Solnik

Screenplay by:
Theo Solnik

Theo Solnik

Edited by:
Theo Solnik

Theo Solnik, Myriam Eichler

Produced by:
DFFB / German Film and Television Academy Berlin GmbH

Festivals & Awards:

New Berlin Film Award 2012 – Best Photography; German Film Academy Awards 2011 – Prize for Young Film Art; Duisburger Filmwoche 2011 – Der Förderpreis der Stadt Duisburg; International Film Festival Balneario Camboriu 2011 – Special Prize of the Jury; Doc Planete Film Festival 2012; Trieste Film Festival 2012; CPH:DOX 2011