Phone Dox


Tomislav Jelinčić
Screening time  
03.03. / Sunday, 12:00 - 14:00 Theatre 4  
03.03. / Sunday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 3  
There would be no lifeline without deadline. And vice versa.

Lifeline is full of deadlines, of time schedules imposed by our neighbours, nature or jobs. It is full of good or bad news. Sometimes we can influence a deadline, sometimes not. What kind of deadlines can life and work impose on a person in 70 minutes is depicted in the documentary film Deadline/Lifeline. It shows that there would be no lifeline without deadline. And vice versa.


Tomislav Jelinčić

Tomislav Jelinčić was born 1977 in Zagreb. He is currently in his final year of an MA course in Documentary Film and TV directing at Zagreb’s Academy of Dramatic Arts. In 2003 he graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences in Zagreb. After seven years at HRT, for the last 10 years he has been a reporter and journalist at RTL. At the Days of Croatian Film 2013 he won the best debut director award with the film Pun kufer, and the same year his film Deadline/Lifeline won the Phonedox category at ZagrebDox. He directed Odlazak barba predsjednika (2012), Making of Carmen (2012), Deadline/Lifeline (2013) and Pun kufer (2013), shown at many national and international festivals.

General sponsor


2013, 7' 45'', video

Directed by:
Tomislav Jelinčić

Tomislav Jelinčić, Dunja Škrebljin

Edited by:
Denis Golenja

Tomislav Jelinčić

Produced by:
Tomislav Jelinčić