Phone Dox

Puhelinkoppi (1882-2007)

Hope Tucker
The artist employs her camera phone to document the passing of phone boots in Finland.

Marking a shift in the functioning of private and public space, after existing as a sidewalk staple for over a century, the Finnish public phone booth is now extinct. The artist employs her camera phone to document the passing.


Hope Tucker

Hope Tucker was born in Memphis in 1974 and began The Obituary Project in 2000. The Obituary Project is a compendium of 21st century salvage ethnography that transforms a quotidian form of narrative. Hope Tucker reframes the passing of sites, people, communities, rituals, cultural markers, and ways of being. Her films have been shown at many international festivals.

General sponsor

Puhelinkoppi (1882-2007)

Finland, USA
2010, 7' 30'', video

Directed by:
Hope Tucker

Hope Tucker

Hope Tucker

Produced by:
The Obituary Project

Festivals & Awards:

Antimatter Film Festival 2011; Directors Lounge, Berlin 2011; l’Alternativa 2011; Hot Springs 2011; Festival des Cinémas Différents et Expérimentaux 2011; Flatpack Film Festival 2012; Images Festival 2012