Imaginary Academy Documentary Film Retrospective

Masayuki Nagase

Katja Restović
Screening time  
25.02. / Monday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 2  
A documentary about a Japanese sculptor who came to Istria in 1979 and built his studio in the village of Marušići.

Masayuki Nagase came to Istria in 1979 and built his studio in the village of Marušići, using the material from the nearby Kornari quarry. The film presents his art and his life philosophy and speaks about becoming one with the nature, as well as what he wants to teach others.

General sponsor

Masayuki Nagase

1998, 18', video

Directed by:
Katja Restović

Screenplay by:
Katja Restović

Ahmed Imamović

Edited by:
Irs Art Studio

Nenad Puhovski

Produced by: