Scottish Documentary Institute Retrospective

Peter in Radioland

Johanna Wagner
Screening time  
26.02. / Tuesday, 17:00 - 19:00 Theatre 3  
Peter thinks of modern technology as complicated and therefore retreats into his analogue world made of vinyl records.

Peter in Radioland is a portrayal of the director’s father, who is on a sick leave due to depression. Most of the time Peter contemplates about past times in the privacy of his room. So very little seems logical in today’s world made of zeros and ones. He thinks of modern technology as complicated and therefore retreats into his analogue world made of vinyl records, projectors and long-wave radios. The film was screened at more than 20 international festivals. It won the Anthony Minghella Award for best short film in the UK and Best Scottish Documentary Award in Edinburgh

General sponsor

Peter in Radioland

Great Britain
2009, 12', video

Directed by:
Johanna Wagner

Johanna Wagner

Edited by:
Mark Jenkins

Matt Hulse, Alan Brown

Rebecca Day

Produced by:
Scottish Documentary Institute Productions