Scottish Documentary Institute Retrospective

Tripoli Stories: Graffiti

Anas El Gomati, Ibrahim El Mayet
Screening time  
27.02. / Wednesday, 15:00 - 17:00 Theatre 1  
After the Libyan revolution, long suppressed feelings suddenly appear on walls of Tripoli’s buildings.

As if every bottle of colour spray contained emotions, now released through the pressure of a finger, drawing and writing on walls, liberated, conveying the message to everyone. This short documentary was made at the first documentary workshop of the Scottish Documentary Institute in Tripoli.

General sponsor

Tripoli Stories: Graffiti

Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Great Britain
2012, 4', video

Directed by:
Anas El Gomati, Ibrahim El Mayet

Seraj Al-Hasi

Edited by:
Nasr Elhadi Nasr

Noe Mendelle, Flore Cosquer

Produced by:
Scottish Documentary Institute Production