Victor Kossakovsky Retrospective

I Loved You…(Three Romances)

Victor Kossakovsky
Screening time  
28.02. / Thursday, 17:00 - 19:00 Theatre 3  
Three distinct films on love, made in three distinct formats, reflect on the changing nature of love through different stages in one’s life.

Director Kossakovskky was inspired by the poem I Loved You by Pushkin. Pavel and Lyalya – A Jerusalem Romance (30’) is about an elderly couple who realise that love can surmount devastating sickness. Sergey and Natascha – A Provincial Romance (20’) concerns the optimistic but reserved affections shared by a young bride and groom. And the frank though misguided romantic stirrings of young children are explored in Sacha and Katya – First Romance (52’). Together, they are a reminder that beyond the passage of time and beyond all cinematic forms, love is both universal and unique.


Victor Kossakovsky

Victor Kossakovsky is a Russian documentary filmmaker, born 1961 in Leningrad. In 1978 he began working at the Leningrad Studio for Documentary Film as an assistant DoP, assistant director and editor. In 1988 he finished the College for Film Writers and Directors in Moscow. In many of his films, Kossakovsky plays the role of editor, cinematographer, writer and director. He started his own film production company in St. Petersburg, Kossakovsky Film Production, with the objective of creating a cinema of poetry and reality. ZagrebDox screened a retrospective of his films in 2013. Filmography: ¡Vivan las Antipodas! (2011), Svyato (2005), Hush! (2003), Russia from My Window (2003), I Loved You… (Three Romances) (2000), Pavel and Lyalya (1999), Wednesday 19.07.1961 (1997), Belovy (1994), The Other Day (1991).

General sponsor

Ya Vas lyubil... (Tri romansa)

Germany, Russia
2000, 102', 35 mm

Directed by:
Victor Kossakovsky

Victor Kossakovsky, Sergei Astachov

Edited by:
Victor Kossakovsky

Viola Stephan

Produced by:
Sreda Film