Victor Kossakovsky Retrospective


Victor Kossakovsky
Screening time  
25.02. / Monday, 17:00 - 19:00 Theatre 3  
It was one of his mentors who once told Kossakovsky, “There are two types of intelligent people; some say what they know, while others think while they speak, in order to try and say something they did not know yet, something that suggests itself in them.''

It was one of his mentors who once told Kossakovsky, “There are two types of intelligent people; some say what they know, while others think while they speak, in order to try and say something they did not know yet, something that suggests itself in them.” Victor Kossakovsky took this profundity to heart and became a filmmaker of the second category. He dedicated his documentary debut to the speaker of these words, the Russian philosopher and religious thinker Alexey Fedorovich Losev (1893-1988), who died shortly after the completion of this film. Shot in black-and-white, the film consists of two crucial shots that symbolise silence and night at both ends of the life chain. In Losev’s words, “Divine intentions that lie beyond our reason, that’s why we die.”


Victor Kossakovsky

Victor Kossakovsky is a Russian documentary filmmaker, born 1961 in Leningrad. In 1978 he began working at the Leningrad Studio for Documentary Film as an assistant DoP, assistant director and editor. In 1988 he finished the College for Film Writers and Directors in Moscow. In many of his films, Kossakovsky plays the role of editor, cinematographer, writer and director. He started his own film production company in St. Petersburg, Kossakovsky Film Production, with the objective of creating a cinema of poetry and reality. ZagrebDox screened a retrospective of his films in 2013. Filmography: ¡Vivan las Antipodas! (2011), Svyato (2005), Hush! (2003), Russia from My Window (2003), I Loved You… (Three Romances) (2000), Pavel and Lyalya (1999), Wednesday 19.07.1961 (1997), Belovy (1994), The Other Day (1991).

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1989, 57', video

Directed by:
Victor Kossakovsky

Screenplay by:
Victor Kossakovsky, Yuriy Rostovtcev

Victor Kossakovsky, Georgy Rerberg, Nickolay Fionychev, Vladimir Morozov

Edited by:
Victor Kossakovsky

Anatoli Nikiforov, Vladilen Kyzin

Produced by:
St. Petersburg Documentary Film Studio