
Author's Night - Damir Čučić

Selector: Diana Nenadić

City Killer

An apocalyptic urban environment. A killer preying for his aim. An escape from the scene...

Grad na nišanu

2007, 8', -/-, video

Directed by:
Damir Čučić

Screenplay by:
Damir Čučić

Edited by:
Damir Čučić

Vera Robić-Škarica

Produced by:
Hrvatski filmski savez

Festivals & Awards:

Rencontres Internationales 2010; International Documentary Film Festival in Amsterdam – IDFA 2007

Screening time  
24.02. / Monday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 2  

Creatures From the Pictures

A story about a Croatian war veteran, musician and chef, Darko Živković from Vukovar, who experienced wartime suffering and pain after losing his family.

Bića sa slika

1999, 29', -/-, video

Directed by:
Damir Čučić

Screenplay by:
Damir Čučić

Boris Poljak

Edited by:
Damir Čučić

Boris Poljak, Damir Čučić

Festivals & Awards:

Days of Croatian Film 2000 – Oktavijan Award, Croatian Film Critics’ Association Award

Screening time  
24.02. / Monday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 2  

Darko found a new life in exile on the island of Murter, where he started a new family, but in the peace of the new life there is also a place for his departed, his ‘creatures from the pictures’.

La Strada

Over a thousand meters long, and with 200 houses along it, the main street of the Istrian town of Vodnjan has been a showroom of crafts and trades for centuries, a stage for processions and carnivals, and a meeting point of various languages, traditions and cultures.

La Strada

2004, 29', -/-, video

Directed by:
Damir Čučić

Screenplay by:
Damir Čučić, Leon Rizmaul

Boris Poljak

Edited by:
Slaven Zečević

Goran Štrbac

Vera Robić-Škarica

Produced by:
Hrvatski filmski savez

Festivals & Awards:

Days of Croatian Film 2004 – Jury’s Best Camera Award to Boris Poljak; Kodak Award; International Documentary Film Festival in Amsterdam – IDFA 2004; International Film Festival of Guadalajara 2006; Shooting Europe Short Film Festival 2006; DokuArt 2006; Dokufest 2005; Parnu International Documentary and Anthropology Film Festival 2005; Docúpolis – International Documentary Festival of Barcelona 2005; Balkan Black Box Film Festival 2005; Sarajevo Film Festival 2004; Pula Film Festival 2004; Motovun Film Festival 2004; Liburnija Film Festival 2004

Screening time  
24.02. / Monday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 2  

The film depicts the atmosphere of ‘la strada’ at different times of day, peeks behind its walls and portrays the people brought in by the waves of history, migration and everyday life to this artery of a Mediterannean town.

The Forgotten

In the village of Pećno in the Žumberak hills, fifty kilometers away from the Croatian capital, life has remained unchanged for decades.


2002, 35', -/-, video

Directed by:
Damir Čučić

Screenplay by:
Damir Čučić

Boris Poljak

Edited by:
Damir Čučić

Goran Štrbac

Vera Robić-Škarica

Produced by:
Hrvatski filmski savez

Festivals & Awards:

Days of Croatian Film 2002 – Oktavijan Award for Best Documentary Film; Best Director; Best Music

Screening time  
24.02. / Monday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 2  

So close, but at the same time so far away, live the last twenty inhabitants of this picturesque wilderness. Sights and sounds portraying the ‘forgotten’ and their wrinkled faces fighting their everyday battles with nature speak for themselves.