
My World 9546 km

Sergio García Locatelli
9546 km away from home...

I keep looking into myself if Madrid is my city. I came here more than seven years ago from a place 9546 km away. With the daylight I feel foreigner no matter nobody can tell unless I speak.


Sergio García Locatelli

Sergio Garcia Locatelli graduated from the Universidad de Lima with a degree in Communications. Received a diploma from the Instituto del Cine de Madrid for direction and screenplay writing in documentary film. Directed documentaries: It’s in Your Eyes (2011), Periferias Interiores (2009), My World (2013), The End of the Road (2013) in postproduction and Take a Walk in its developing stage.

General sponsor

My World 9546 km

2013, 4', video

Directed by:
Sergio García Locatelli

Screenplay by:
Sergio García Locatelli

Sergio García Locatelli, Marta Valdenebro

Edited by:
Sergio García Locatelli

Sergio García Locatelli

Produced by:
Quechua Films

Festivals & Awards:

Dieciminuti Film Festival International Short Film Festival by IndieGesta 2014; iPhone Film Festival 2013;  Tirana International Film Festival 2013; Kastav Film Festival 2013