ZagrebDox Pro is inviting documentary film directors, scriptwriters and producers to apply for one or both of its courses: A DOX PROPOSAL CRASH COURSE and THE REALITY CHECK WORKSHOP.
A one-day ZagrebDox Pro workshop!
ZagrebDox Pro organises a one-day workshop in which participants will get a unique insight into the professional world of documentary film. What is a script in documentary film? How do you write it, present it, and how will they, the decision makers holding the money and resources for your project to be made, read it? The workshop offers you an opportunity to get useful information and input, ask your specific questions and connect with colleagues.
Please follow our website in the weeks to come for details on experts and the schedule!!!
The workshop is organised in cooperation with DOCUMENTARY IN EUROPE.
Up to 20 persons (scriptwriters, producers, directors, and we also welcome cinematographers and editors) can participate in the program. Candidates can apply by sending an e-mail at entitled A DOX PROPOSAL CRASH COURSE APPLICATION. The e-mail must contain their full name, a short motivation letter/note, biography (up to five sentences: profession, education background, work experience), e-mail address and cell-phone number.
The deadline for submission of applications for A DOX PROPOSAL CRASH COURSE is 15 Dec 2013. Attendance is free of charge.
ZagrebDox Pro is co-financed by European Union's MEDIA Programme.
THE REALITY CHECK WORKSHOP is a four-day program that includes a three-day workshop for twelve documentary projects in various phases of development /production and a one-day PITCHING FORUM and individual meetings of project teams with decision makers (TV editors, distributors, representatives of film funds) and scriptwriting advisors.
Leena Pasanen and Stefano Tealdi are workshop facilitators and Pitching Forum moderators joined by various documentary film experts. Please follow our website in the weeks to come for details on experts and decision makers!!!
ZagrebDox Pro will once again award participants! Last year ZagrebDox Pro gave out two awards: the HBO Adria Award for Best Pitch went to the project 3Brothers by director Katalin Barsony. The award included €2000 for further project development, funded by HBO Adria. The project Meet Enver Hadri by producer Isabel de la Serna and director Giles Coton won the ZagrebDox Pro Award for Best Project. The award included a one-year mentorship of the Dutch documentarian John Appel, whose film was screened in the Masters of Dox section.
The workshop aims at helping the participants to acquire successfully the skills required for finding international partners for co-financing their films. Directors and producers can participate in the workshop. In specific cases, they can be accompanied by a scriptwriter, cinematographer or editor. While teams of participants generally have two members, they can have up to three members.
Up to 6 observers can attend the workshop.
Only those team members that participated in the workshop can participate in the Pitching Forum.
The format of the Pitching Forum includes a 7-minute project presentation (including video footage and other visual materials) and 8 minutes for questions of the panel members. Pitching Forum is open to the public.
Attending THE REALITY CHECK WORKSHOP is free of charge. The attendants who do not live in Croatia can apply for ZagrebDox Pro's allowance that will cover their travel and accommodation expenses during the workshop. In 2014, ZagrebDox Pro will cover expenses for up to six attendants. Participants from countries with a low audiovisual production capacity and new EU member states have an advantage when applying for the allowance.
The deadline for submissions for THE REALITY CHECK WORKSHOP is 9th December 2013 (applications will be accepted until midnight!)
IMPORTANT NOTICE!! The deadline for applying to THE REALITY CHECK WORKSHOP has been extended until 15 December.
The Workshop Application Form can be found here.
In addition to the information to be entered on the first page of the Application Form (including a link to the trailer), the second part of the Application Form should contain the following attachments: up to five photos; a project study containing a short synopsis and description of characters (max. 1800 characters), a budget and production plan summary (max. 1800 characters), director's biography (max. 900 characters) and producer's references (max. 900 characters). The project study (font: Arial 11) must be in English language, the budget must be specified in Euros and the trailer must have English subtitles.
Candidates for observers can apply at after the workshop selection has been announced. They must send an e-mail entitled I WANT TO BE AN OBSERVER. In the e-mail message, candidates must give their full name, e-mail address and phone number.
ZagrebDox Pro is co-financed by European Union's MEDIA Programme.
General sponsor
HRVATSKI TELEKOMExclusive media sponsor