Biography Dox

Born to Fly

Catherine Gund
Screening time  
24.02. / Tuesday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 5  
It follows Elizabeth Streb and her Brooklyn-based Streb Extreme Action Company over the course of a year as she reflects on her influences, evolution, and inventions, all while preparing for her greatest public performance.

Born to Fly harnesses the thrill and energy of Elizabeth Streb's Brooklyn-based Streb Extreme Action Company. Inter-cutting archival footage from decades of Streb performances with verité moments between Streb, her partner Laura and their collaborators, the documentary follows Streb over the course of a year as she reflects on her influences, evolution, and inventions, all while preparing for her greatest public performance. Along the way, Born to Fly captures the lives of Streb's dancers – gladiators infused with her theory of movement, who walk on walls, dive through glass, move so fast they disappear, and fly. The film culminates with Streb and her dancers taking the world by force at the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad. This grand and surprising display, enacted as public performances on landmarks like the London Eye, exemplifies both Streb's and the film's philosophies: You must risk falling if you want to fly.


Catherine Gund

Catherine Gund is an Emmy-nominated producer, director, writer and organizer. Her films have screened around the world in festivals, theaters, museums and schools; on PBS, Discovery’s Planet Green, and the Sundance Channel. Her previous works include Motherland Afghanistan (AFI Fest; PBS broadcast); A Touch of Greatness (Best Documentary Award: Hamptons FF, PBS broadcast; Emmy nomination); Hallelujah! Ron Athey: A Story of Deliverance (Best Documentary Award, Chicago UFF).

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Born to Fly

2014, 82', DCP

Directed by:
Catherine Gund

Kirsten Johnson, Albert Maysles, Ian McAlpin

Edited by:
Alex Meillier

Adam Crystal

Catherine Gund, Tanya Selvaratnam

Produced by:
Aubin Pictures

Festivals & Awards:

Out on Film 2014 – 2nd place Audience Award Best Documentary; Rochester Image Out 2014 – Audience Award Best Documentary Feature; Cleveland International Film Festival 2014; Full Frame Documentary Film Festival 2014; SXSW Film Festival 2014; Sun Valley Film Festival 2014