Biography Dox

Elgin Park

Danny Yourd
Screening time  
27.02. / Friday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 5  
'Elgin Park' dives into the life of Michael Paul Smith – a reclusive artist turned viral sensation – recognized for creating 1950’s utopias out of pain, love, and miniature cars.

Elgin Park is a lot of things: a 1950’s utopia, a fantastical world, and an optical illusion. Artist Michael Paul Smith’s imaginative town, composed entirely of miniatures, delighted audiences worldwide when his photo series went viral. For the first time, the documentary Elgin Park dives into the life of this charming, reclusive artist to reveal the dark inspiration behind his work.


Danny Yourd

Danny Yourd is the long-time creative partner of Steve Hoover, together they created the Sundance winning documentary Blood Brother, screened at ZagrebDox, as well as a wide range of previous work, from music videos to national commercial campaigns. Danny received the usage of the p.g.a. mark by the Producers Guild of America for his work on Blood Brother. He is currently wrapping up post-production on their next feature film, Gennadiy. Elgin Park is Danny’s first directorial effort.

General sponsor

Elgin Park

2014, 9' 30'', DCP

Directed by:
Danny Yourd

John Pope

Edited by:
Mike LaHood

Danny Yourd

Produced by:

Festivals & Awards:

Santa Barbara International Film Festival 2015; Dam Short Film Festival 2015; Fargo Film Festival 2015; Dingle International Film Festival 2015