State of Affairs

Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story

Grant Baldwin
Screening time  
28.02. / Saturday, 23:00 - 01:00 Theatre 4  
Where is your food going?

Filmmakers and food lovers Jen and Grant dive into the issue of food waste from farm, through retail, all the way to the back of their own fridge. After catching a glimpse of the billions of dollars of good food that is tossed each year in North America, they pledge to quit grocery shopping cold turkey and survive only on food that has been discarded. In a nation where one in ten people is food insecure, the images they capture of squandered groceries are both shocking and strangely compelling. But as Grant's addictive personality turns full tilt towards food rescue, the “thrill of the find” has unexpected consequences. Featuring interviews with author, activist and TED lecturer Tristram Stuart, food waste expert Dana Gunders, and acclaimed author Jonathan Bloom, Just Eat It looks at our systemic obsession with expiry dates, perfect produce and portion sizes, and reveals the core of this seemingly insignificant issue that is having devastating consequences around the globe.


Grant Baldwin

Grant Baldwin is a director, cinematographer, editor and composer based in Vancouver, Canada. He has an eye for creative cinematography and a varied background working with sports films, narratives, and documentaries. Grant directed the documentary The Clean Bin Project (2010) which won 10 festival awards and Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story (2014), still harvesting awards in the festival circuit.

General sponsor

Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story

2014, 75', DCP

Directed by:
Grant Baldwin

Screenplay by:
Jenny Rustemeyer

Grant Baldwin

Edited by:
Grant Baldwin

Grant Baldwin

Jenny Rustemeyer

Produced by:
Peg Leg Films

Festivals & Awards:

Hot Docs 2014 – Emerging Canadian Filmmaker Award; Vancouver International Film Festival 2014 – VIFF Impact Award; Calgary International Film Fest 2014 – Audience Choice; Edmonton International Film Festival – Best Documentary; IDFA 2014; CPH:DOX 2014; Hollywood Film Festival 2014