Croatian Musical Documentaries

How We Entered Europe: SexA Case

Ines Pletikos
Screening time  
25.02. / Wednesday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 2  
This film reconstructs the life stories of the cult dark noise band SEXA members.

Twenty years before Croatia’s EU accession, immediately before the war in former Yugoslavia, the first colony of cultural refugees from Zagreb arrived in Amsterdam. This film reconstructs the life stories of the cult dark noise band SEXA members. In social turmoil of the post-political era caused by the fall of the Berlin Wall and war in their country, they lost framework which denoted them and which they had an artistic relationship with. Their introspection on their own (lack of) confidence in new conditions provides a priceless insight in the possibilities of preserving one’s own integrity from the point of view of eternal outsiders. The film has won the main award at DORF.

General sponsor

Kako smo ušli u Europu: slučaj SexA

2012, 70', video

Directed by:
Ines Pletikos

Ines Pletikos

Festivals & Awards:

Documentary rock film festival – DORF 2012 – Best film; Mediterranean Film Festival Split 2014