Croatian Musical Documentaries

In the Fire of the Genius

Tihana Kopsa
Screening time  
23.02. / Monday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 2  
Even two hundred years after the death of the genius composer Joseph Haydn, his homeland echoes in the music he created.

Even two hundred years after the death of the genius composer Joseph Haydn, his homeland echoes in the music he created: his symphonies are performed at the Esterhazy castle in Eisenstadt and Esterháza castle in Fertöd, and the melodies which inspired him are still sung by the Burgenland Croats. The story of Haydn’s ‘language understood worldwide’ is told primarily by the master’s music, the spaces he lived in, Burgenland’s beautiful landscapes, and then by the Burgenland’s Croats and Hungarians folk music, as well as the people connected to Haydn spiritually, spatially and amorously.

General sponsor

U vatri genija

2009, 29' 58'', video

Directed by:
Tihana Kopsa

Screenplay by:
Tihana Kopsa, Vido Bagur, Ljiljana Šišmanović

Siniša Galar

Edited by:
Davorka Feller

Tihomir Štivičić

Produced by:
Hrvatska televizija