Croatian Musical Documentaries

Kust un bareč (I Live in Barake)

Željka Kovačević
Screening time  
25.02. / Wednesday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 2  
Two young Roma men introduce us through their music and lyrics into the world and story about growing up and life in the Roma settlement known as ‘Barake’.

They do not have much money and they are unemployed. They live in Croatia, in a Roma ghetto. Two young Roma men, Dario and Nedeljko, introduce us through their music and lyrics into the world and story about growing up and life in the Roma settlement known as ‘Barake’. They are young and critical people challenging the world they live in, and their lyrics are not a result of social awareness, but internal sorrow and need for a better life. The film Kust un bareč speaks about the band Euro Black Nation and their penetration on the scene as the first Roma hip-hop band in Croatia. It won the Bronze Heart of Slavonia Award at the Ethno Film Festival in Đakovo and it also screened at DORH and Motovun Film Festival.

General sponsor

Kust un bareč (Živim u barakama)

2013, 27', video

Directed by:
Željka Kovačević

Screenplay by:
Željka Kovačević, Martina Globočnik

Lovro Čepelak

Edited by:
Lovro Čepelak

Euro Black Nation, Darko Pecotić

Morana Komljenović, Miro Mioč

Produced by:
Fade In, HRT

Festivals & Awards:

Etno Film Festival 2013 – Bronze Heart of Slavonia Award