
Kim Longinotto Masterclass

Time and place  
25.02. / Wednesday, 10:00 - 11:30 Theatre Zagreb Film  
One of the foremost documentary filmmakers working today, Kim Longinotto is renowned internationally for creating extraordinary human portraits and tackling controversial topics with sensitivity and compassion.

She has won numerous awards for her work, including a Peabody Award and the Cannes Film Festival’s prestigious Prix Art et Essai for Sisters in Law, a Special Jury Prize at the International Documentary Film Festival, Amsterdam (IDFA) for Hold Me Tight, Let Me Go, a BAFTA Award for Divorce Iranian Style, World Cinema Grand Jury Prize in Documentary at the Sundance Film Festival for Rough Aunties. For her latest documentary Dreamcatcher she has won the Directing Award – World Cinema Documentary at this year’s Sundance Film Festival. In this masterclass, Kim Longinotto will present her work, show visual material of selected film titles and discuss it with the audience.

“The session will try to respond to the audience’s interests. We’ll look at short clips in response to queries and comments. There will be clips from many films ranging from Hidden Faces set in Egypt in 1991, to Salma set in Tamil Nadu, India in 2013." – Kim Longinotto