
Presentation & Discussion: Co-Production in Europe - An Overview

Time and place  
27.02. / Friday, 10:00 - 11:30 Theatre Zagreb Film  
Mikael Opstrup, Head of Studies at European Documentary Network and the editor of EDN co-production guide, will present the possibilities for co-producing in 30 European countries, with a special focus on regional experiences presented by producers from the region.

The discussion participants are Vanja Jambrović, Dana Budisavljević, Boris Mitić, Fabrizio Polpettini, Manuela Buono, Martina Petrović and others. The online guide for all EDN members provides details on co-production opportunities across Europe. All information is edited by EDN, provided by established producers and based on concrete co-production experiences. The EDN Co-Production Guide provides information from 30 European countries for the producer who seeks an overview on the  co-production possibilities for documentaries in each country.