"Bikes Vs. Cars" at ZagrebDox


Why would the world be a better place without cars and what revolutionary positive changes would follow the shift in the traffic model, we find out in intriguing film by Swedish director Fredrik Gertten.

Why would the world, according to bike activists, be a better place without cars and what revolutionary positive changes would follow the shift in the traffic model, we find out at 12thZagrebDox. The international competition category includes the intriguing Swedish film by Fredrik Gertten, Bikes Vs. Cars (TRAILER). Lovers of documentaries and cycling will be able to come to the Zagreb premiere in an organised bicycle caravan, as did the audience in Brooklyn and Toronto.

Recently in Paris the world had undertaken the obligation of radically reducing greenhouse gas emission and by 2050 limit the growth of temperature to less than 2 degrees centigrade. Common global enemy? CO2. One of the solutions if to let go off fossil fuels, meaning ‘cut out’ car industry. Millions of cyclists around the world who use two wheels for their daily commute have been actively pursuing this.

Director Fredrik Gertten (An Ordinary Family, Big Boys Gone Bananas!*) found his interviewees – cycling activists – in cities like São Paulo, Toronto, Los Angeles (did you know that Americans spend 25 per cent of their income on transportation?) or Copenhagen, where approximately 40 per cent of citizens use the bike. All of them testify to a change, but their ‘enemy’ is quite strong: car, oil, building industries, all the powerhouses that make carless life unthinkable.

More info is available on the official webiste.