The Russians Are Coming, one of 12th ZagrebDox’s special categories consists of nine films ranging from the controversial Russian domestic and foreign policy to the portrayals of atypical members of modern Russian society.
Members of professional film associations, teachers and students at the Academy of Dramatic Arts and representatives of films festivals can apply for a festival doxer pass by 15 February.
Check out on HTV3 the award-winning films produced by Factum in the past 20 years, films by famous director Kim Longinotto, and meet two filmmakers coming to this year’s, 12th ZagrebDox through their films and cover stories: Erik Gandini and Nino Kirtadzé.
A film about a children’s orchestra in the middle of a large landfill which uses waste to create musical instruments to be screened in the Teen Dox section.
ZagrebDox screens the award-winning story about a brave rapper girl in a country that bans women from singing in the Musical Globe section.
The complete list of films selected for 12th ZagrebDox s now public and online.
From 21 to 28 February, at Cineplexx Kaptol Centre, ZagrebDox takes place for the 12th time, this year with more than 160 films in 17 categories.
The 12th ZagrebDox introduces the uncompromising Swedish director and the master of heart-warming human tales of the absurdity of Georgian and Russian daily life.
Mansky's and Liang's Hidden Far East, and New Films by Art Icon Laurie Anderson and ZagrebDox's 'Old Friends' Kossakovsky, Stonys, Rosenblatt and Treštikova in Masters of Dox
A documentary about citizens’ fight against Mexican drug cartels screens in ZagrebDox’s international competition.
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