International Competition

Bikes vs Cars

Fredrik Gertten
Screening time  
26.02. / Friday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 4  
27.02. / Saturday, 14:00 - 16:00 Theatre 5  
From Sao Paolo to Los Angeles, and from Toronto to Copenhagen. The battle for the cities of the future has begun.

From Sao Paolo to Los Angeles, and from Toronto to Copenhagen. The battle for the cities of the future has begun. It is taking place on both two and four wheels, and is about much more than getting from A to B. How our cities look is determined by how we move around in them, and the auto industry's effective lobbying work has meant that the framework surrounding the lives of billions of people is determined by cars. But a new, green countermovement is giving car drivers a run for their money – because the bicycle is both a healthy and sustainable alternative to a future that is about to collapse under the strain of traffic. Fredrik Gertten's Bikes vs Cars is a fun and serious take on a modern activist film, which not only confronts us with the world's problems but also wants to do something about them. It is high time to decide which side you yourself are on – and which city you would like to live in.


Fredrik Gertten

Fredrik Gertten is an award-winning Swedish director and journalist. His latest works Becoming Zlatan (2016), Bikes VS Cars (2015), Big Boys Gone Bananas!* (2012) and Bananas!* (2009) were screened all over the world at many international festivals, including ZagrebDox. In 1994, Gertten founded production company WG Film. In October 2017, he was named Honorary Doctor at Malmö University's Faculty of Culture and Society for his work as a documentary filmmaker.

General sponsor

Bikes vs Cars

2015, 88'

Directed by:
Fredrik Gertten

Screenplay by:
Fredrik Gertten

Janice D’Avila, Kiki Allgeier

Edited by:
Benjamin Binderup, Sascha Fülscher, Morten Giese, Klaus Heinecke, Phil Jandaly

Florencia Di Concilio

Margarete Jangård, Elin Kamlert

Produced by:
WG Film, ABMore

Festivals & Awards:

Docs Against Gravity Film Festival 2015 – Special Mention, UK Green Film Festival 2015 – Audience Award, Tempo Documentary Award 2015 – Honourable Mention, Cinemambiente Environmental Film Festival 2015 – Best Film, SXSW 2015, Full Frame Documentary Film Festival 2015