International Competition

Don Juan

Jerzy Sladkowski
Screening time  
23.02. / Tuesday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 4  
26.02. / Friday, 20:00 - 22:00 Theatre 4  
27.02. / Saturday, 14:00 - 16:00 Theatre 4  
28.02. / Sunday, 14:00 - 16:00 Theatre 2  
28.02. / Sunday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 5  
28.02. / Sunday, 22:00 - 00:00 Theatre 3  
Twenty-two-year-old Oleg doesn’t live up to his mother Marina’s idea of a real man.

She thinks he’s an autistic loafer. He’s enrolled at the University of Nizhny Novgorod and is supposed to be watching online lectures, but his mother says all he actually does is hang around watching TV. Oleg doesn’t have any need for friendships, either. Marina wants him to improve his life and subjects him to a series of unconventional treatments. In one particularly uncomfortable scene, we see the therapist riding him as if he were a horse. Another psychiatrist tells Oleg how useless he is and that he will always be alone. Strangely enough the camera seems to be welcome everywhere, and it closely follows these dramatic developments. This gives the documentary a slapstick feel – with a nice dose of satire for good measure. Nonetheless, heated kitchen table conversations between Marina and her own mother reveal the bitter seriousness of the matter, and Marina’s mother wants her to adopt a more positive attitude towards Oleg.   


Jerzy Sladkowski

Jerzy Sladkowski was born in Poland in 1945. He studied film and TV at the School of Journalism in Warsaw and worked for TVP in Poland before emigrating to Sweden in 1982. He has produced and directed over 40 films, mostly documentaries for television, including Lappsjukan (2001), My American Family (2004), Best Friends (2006), Vodka Factory (2010). Don Juan is his latest film.

General sponsor

Don Juan

Finland, Sweden
2015, 92'

Directed by:
Jerzy Sladkowski

Wojciech Staron

Edited by:
Jakub Sladkowski, Agnieszka Bojanowska

Timo Hietala

Antonio Russo Merenda

Produced by:
Ginestra Film

Festivals & Awards:

VPRO IDFA Award for Best Feature-length Documentary, Göteborg Film Festival 2015