Regional Competition


Nebojša Slijepčević
Screening time  
25.02. / Thursday, 20:00 - 22:00 Theatre 2  
26.02. / Friday, 13:00 - 15:00 Theatre 1  
27.02. / Saturday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 4  
A twenty-year-long quest for justice for hundred of blown-up homes.

In the early 1990s, away from military operations and the front, in and around Bjelovar several hundred houses owned by local Serbs and Croatian opponents of the regime were damaged. The police characterised these bombings as terrorism, but have never caught the perpetrators. Twenty years later a group of citizens are still trying to claim damages from the state for their destroyed homes. 


Nebojša Slijepčević

Nebojsa Slijepčević was born in 1973 in Zagreb, Croatia. In 2005, he graduated in Film Directing from the Academy of Drama and Art in Zagreb. He has directed numerous creative documentaries that were widely shown and awarded multiple times at many international festivals. ZagrebDox screened many of his documentaries, following his work closely. He is a three times nominee for Prix Europa Award for his TV documentaries. His first documentary feature, the international co-production Gangster of Love, premiered at Hot Docs and it was one of the biggest box-office successes in Croatia, winning the Audience Award at 2013 ZagrebDox. His latest documentary feature Srbenka (2018) premiered at Visions du Réel and received the Buyens-Chagoll Award, followed by the Heart of Sarajevo for best documentary and the Audence Award at Sarajevo Film Festival and many more. He is also an educator, mentoring and lecturing at Restart's School of Documentary Film in Zagreb.

General sponsor


2015, 24' 55''

Directed by:
Nebojša Slijepčević

Screenplay by:
Nebojša Slijepčević, Daniela Draštata

Igor Tukša

Edited by:
Damir Čučić

Daniela Draštata

Produced by:
HRT, EBU European Broadcasting Union

Festivals & Awards:

Liburnia Film Festival 2015