Regional Competition


Zdravko Mustać
Screening time  
23.02. / Tuesday, 19:00 - 21:00 Theatre 1  
25.02. / Thursday, 13:00 - 15:00 Theatre 3  
27.02. / Saturday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 5  
A cinematic portrayal of Zagreb by night, without the immediate presence of people.

A cinematic portrayal of Zagreb by night, without the immediate presence of people. The city is not deserted; every shot is imbued with the heavy breath of its citizens, passers-by and nocturnal walkers. Three parts, loosely divided by their formal differences, take us on a journey through the many motifs of a night to remember. Part one includes static, still and recognisable vistas of the city. Part two penetrates movable matter, the city is put in motion. And finally, in a formal whirlwind, with the help of stylised violence, we close the nocturnal city in its full-fledged reality.


Zdravko Mustać

Zdravko Mustać was born 1961 in Zadar. Belonging to the fourth generation of the Split school of alternative film, during the 1980s he made around 20 alternative films. In the 1990s he pursued film on a professional level, and started expanding his interests to different forms of film and video expression. He has made over 30 documentaries, video works and short fiction films. His works have been successfully shown at screenings and festivals in Croatia and worldwide (New York, Moscow, Washington DC, Copenhagen, Budapest, Berlin, Ljubljana etc.). He won three Oktavijan awards for his short experimental and fiction films at Days of Croatian Film 1996, 1999 and 2001. His documentary Purgatory screened at ZagrebDox 2005.

General sponsor


2016, 20' 47''

Directed by:
Zdravko Mustać

Screenplay by:
Zdravko Mustać

Dinka Radonić

Edited by:
Damir Čučić

Vera Robić Škarica

Produced by:
Hrvatski filmski savez