Regional Competition


Jovana Kovanović
Screening time  
22.02. / Monday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 5  
25.02. / Thursday, 15:00 - 17:00 Theatre 3  
27.02. / Saturday, 13:00 - 15:00 Theatre 2  
There are certain rules on the streets of isolated Belgrade ghetto, symbolically called Vietnam.

A unique group of youngsters, born in the infamous 90’s in Serbia, have grown up united by certain rules on the streets of isolated Belgrade ghetto, symbolically called Vietnam. At the doorstep of adulthood their friendship is facing temptation, under the weight of new life challenges, needs and social circumstances.


Jovana Kovanović

Jovana Kovanović was born in 1987 in Serbia. She graduated from the Faculty of Art and Design in Belgrade with Bachelor Degree in film studies. She has directed and produced a few short films and worked as assistant director, editor and cinematographer. She founded So Spring Studio in 2013. Filmography: Game (2009), Girl on the Moon (2012), Small But the Real Thing (2013), Vietnam (2015).

General sponsor


2015, 25' 30''

Directed by:
Jovana Kovanović

Screenplay by:
Jovana Kovanović

Maja Medić

Edited by:
Stevan Lung

Nikola Jeremić, Bogdan Kovačević

Jovana Kovanović

Produced by:
So Spring Studio