Happy Dox


James Rogan, Roger Graef OBE
Screening time  
26.02. / Friday, 22:00 - 00:00 Theatre 4  
Coupled with rare archive this film is destined to be the definitive Python documentary for legions of worldwide fans.

London, 2014. The Monty Pythons are getting ready for their first live shows in more than thirty years. Directors Roger Graef and James Rogan are happily along for the ride, following the surviving Pythons in rehearsals as they regroup and reconnect. In a film packed with memorable moments, most fascinating of all are the Pythons’ insecurities and tensions: the group is all too aware of sky high expectations, and the fact that they are all ageing – and not always gracefully. As fans from around the world converge for the show – including Brian Cox, Stephen Hawking and Mike Myers in delightful cameos – the Pythons confide frequently, and humorously to the camera. Coupled with rare archive this film is destined to be the definitive Python documentary for legions of worldwide fans.


James Rogan

James Rogan is an award-winning writer, director and producer, best known internationally for his feature documentaries for the Oscar-winning BBC Storyville: Amnesty!, When They Are All Free, The Trouble with Pirate, and Blog Wars. Most recently, he finished Welcome to Mayfair for the BBC's iconic Modern Times strand about London's most affluent and characterful area.


Roger Graef OBE

Roger Graef OBE is an award-winning filmmaker, criminologist and writer, and the only documentary maker awarded the BAFTA Fellowship for Lifetime Achievement. In 2014, he was given a Tribute evening by BAFTA for fifty years in filmmaking and a Lifetime Achievement Award by the Sheffield and Aldeburgh Doc fests.

General sponsor


Great Britain
2015, 94'

Directed by:
James Rogan, Roger Graef OBE

Screenplay by:
Roger Graef, James Rogan

Paul Shammasian, James Rogan

Edited by:
Simon Barker, David Atkinson

Lindsay Jex, Jim Beach, Holly Gilliam

Produced by:
Phil McIntyre Television

Festivals & Awards:

Sheffield Doc Fest 2015, Fantasia Festival Montreal 2015, Traverse City Festival 2015, Rhode Island Film Festival 2015, DMZ Docs Korea 2015, Vancouver International Film Festival 2015, Dallas Video Fest 2015, Woodstock Film Festival 2015, Heartland Film Festival 2015, Sao Paulo International Film Festival 2015, Kaohsiung Film Festival 2015, Copenhagen International Doc Festival 2015