Musical Globe

Erbarme dich - Matthäus Passion Stories

Ramón Gieling
Screening time  
23.02. / Tuesday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 4  
We learn how the St Matthew Passion played a decisive role in the relations between men and women.

Erbarme dich – Matthäus Passion Stories is a labyrinthine narrative in which notables such as Peter Sellars, Emio Greco, Simon Halsey and painter Rinke Nijburg explain their special relationship with Bach’s St Matthew Passion to Ramón Gieling. They speak against the backdrop of a church which has fallen into disrepair, while a choir of homeless people and Pieter Jan Leusink’s Bach Choir & Orchestra rehearse the Passion. Leusink isn't just the conductor, he is one of the main characters himself, with a painful past in which this musical piece has played a dominant role. Stories from the others alternate seamlessly with this. We learn how the St Matthew Passion played a decisive role in the relations between men and women, fathers and sons, fathers and daughters, mothers and their unborn children, and finally that in spite of our differences we all find a common denominator in the secret of Bach's music.

Ramón Gieling

Ramón Gieling, born in 1954 in The Netherlands, was educated in visual art. He was founder of the journal Wolfsmond (1967 – 1987), a mouthpiece for writers, filmmakers and composers. Gieling's body of work consists of feature films, short films, documentaries and theatre plays.

General sponsor

Erbarme dich - Matthäus Passion Stories

2015, 98'

Directed by:
Ramón Gieling

Screenplay by:
Ramón Gieling

Goert Giltay

Edited by:
Barbara Hin

The Bach Choir § Orchestra of the Netherlands, De Straatklinkers

Vincent de Pater

Produced by:
Key Docs

Festivals & Awards:

Rotterdam International Film Festival 2015; Göteborg International Film Festival 2015; Vision du Réel 2015; Jeonju International Film Festival 2015; Krakow Film Festival 2015; Transatlantyk – Poznań International Film and Music Festival 2015; Milano Film Festival 2015; Vancouver International Film Festival 2015; Doclisboa 2015