Musical Globe


Rokhsareh Ghaem Maghami
Screening time  
22.02. / Monday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 4  
27.02. / Saturday, 17:00 - 19:00 Theatre 3  
If 18-year old Sonita had a say in things, Michael Jackson would be her father and Rihanna her mother.

Sonita captures her dream of being a famous rapper in her scrapbook. For the time being, her only fans are the other teenage girls in a Tehran shelter. There, Sonita, a refugee from Afghanistan, gets counselling for the traumas she has suffered and guidance in shaping her future. Her family has a very different future planned for her: as a bride she’s worth $9,000. What’s more, women aren’t allowed to sing in Iran. How can Sonita still succeed in making her dreams come true? Director Rokhsareh Ghaem Maghami ends up personally involved in answering that question, reigniting the discussion as to how documentary makers should relate to their subjects. This is just one of the many unexpected twists in an exciting journey replete with the setbacks and successes of a young women looking for her own path.


Rokhsareh Ghaem Maghami

Rokhsareh Ghaemmaghami was born in Tehran and studied filmmaking and animation in Tehran Art University. Her published essays and research include the book Animated Documentary: A New Way to Express. Her short documentary works include: Pigeon Fanciers (2000), A Loud Solitude (2010), Born 20 Minutes Late (2010), Going Up the Stairs (2011) and animated documentary Cyanosis (2007).

General sponsor


Iran, Germany, Switzerland
2015, 90'

Directed by:
Rokhsareh Ghaem Maghami

Behrouz Badrouj, Ali Mohammad Ghasemi, Mohammad Haddadi, Arastoo Givi, Torben Bernard, Parviz Arefi, Ala Mosheni

Edited by:
Rune Schweitzer

Sonita Alizada, Sepandarmaz Elahi Shirazi, Moritz Denis, Guillaume Wuhrmann

Gerd Haag, Krestin, Aline Schmid, Rokhsareh Gaem Maghmi

Produced by:
Tag/Traum, Intermezzo Films

Festivals & Awards:

IDFA 2015 – Audience Award
; Sundance Film Festival 2016 – World Cinema Grand Jury Prize, Documentary, Audience Award