State of Affairs


Krisztina Meggyes
Screening time  
22.02. / Monday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 2  
A new refugee camp disturbed the tranquillity in a small hungarian town close to the Austrian border.

Vámosszabadi is a small village with 1600 inhabitants in Hungary close to the Austrian border. Its arranged streets and gardens, sports courts and fishing lakes suggest the viewer that this is a peaceful, wealthy settlement. Or at least it was until a sudden event disturbed the tranquillity of the village. A new refugee camp was established just kilometres away from their border. The villagers reacted strongly and started to protest, saying this is a huge risk they don‘t want to take. An activist group was formed who have decided to do whatever it takes to get rid of the immigrants; they change the leadership of the village if they needed. This situation brought to the focus another, hidden conflict: there is two different living style mixing in the village: there are the mostly older original villagers, and the younger, wealthy newcomers who moved there recently. Finally the villagers split into two parts as well: the older ones accepted the presence of the strangers, but the newcomers got more and more angry. The refugees hardly go to the village, except when they use the local bus and a couple of them visit the mass every Sunday. But this little was enough, even too much for the villagers. 


Krisztina Meggyes

Krisztina Meggyes is a freelance film director. She first met filmmaking in Denmark, after which she returned to Hungary she studied Television Production at the University of Theatre and Film Arts in Budapest. Later she continued her studies in the master documentary film directing course. Her film Day 791 won the short film section of the Budapest Documentary Film Festival in 2014. She is one of the organizers of Budapest International Documentary Festival. 

General sponsor


2015, 28' 6''

Directed by:
Krisztina Meggyes

Screenplay by:
Krisztina Meggyes, Detti Dósa

Gábor Szilágyi, Miguel Lopez Beraza, Manuel Contreras, Diana Pacheco Lagutienko, Svitlana Shymko, Marko Sipka

Edited by:
Balázs Gotthárdi

Szabolcs Mátyássy

Ferenc Pusztai, Miklós Bosnyák

Produced by:
KMH Film, University of Theatre and Film Arts

Festivals & Awards:

Okiem Młodych – Okiem Młodych – International Documentary Film Festival 2015