Teen Dox


Ivana Sansević
Screening time  
25.02. / Thursday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 5  
This is a story about sadness and disappointment but also a tale of self-discovery.

Dragon Woman is a story of three girls who were battling anorexia and bulimia for years. In the soul-serching process they experienced the difficult road of eating disorders. This is also a story about a girl who spent years feeling guilty of not being able to help her sister when she needed it most. This is a story about sadness, disappointment, but also about finding oneself. Finally, it is a story about all of us who often forget our worth and capabilities.


Ivana Sansević

Ivana Sansević was born 1981 in Zagreb, where she graduated in journalism from the Faculty of Political Sciences. As a freelance journalist she collaborated with Fade In and H-Alter. In 2007 she turned to public relations and worked as a PR manager at most Croatian film festivals - Zagreb Film Festival, ZagrebDox, Motovun Film Festival, Animafest, Human Rights Film Festival, Jewish Film Festival Zagreb and many other cultural events. Since 2012 she has been managing promotional campaigns for fiction films (Sonja and the Bull, The Priest's Children, A Stranger, Hush, Shot, The High Sun). Dragon Woman is her first creative documentary film.

General sponsor


2016, 30'

Directed by:
Ivana Sansević

Screenplay by:
Ivana Sansević

Dinka Radonić

Edited by:
Andrija Gvozdić Michl

Vanja Jambrović, Oliver Sertić

Produced by: