Teen Dox


Niki Padidar
Screening time  
22.02. / Monday, 17:00 - 19:00 Theatre 3  
Ninnoc ruminates on the question of what’s “normal” and “different” and “popular”

Ninnoc doesn’t like cliques. Why do they all have to behave – and look – the same? Ninnoc has big blue eyes, she dances and sings, and she is a strong-willed girl. She can’t describe herself, but if she feels excluded, this is the sound it makes: “Wawawawawawawawa.” Then her hair trembles, she gets a headache and a constant ringing sound in her ears: “Aaaaaaaaahhh.” She didn’t fit in at her old school, and she keeps to herself at the new one. She doesn’t want to join in with those other people, but she’s also afraid of being shut out. “People only see who I appear to be. There are only a couple who know who I am. You can only see what I want you to see, and there’s lots behind that smile that you don’t even know about.” Ninnoc ruminates on the question of what’s “normal” and “different” and “popular”.


Niki Padidar

Niki Padidar is a 36-year-old director born in Tehran, Iran and lives in Amsterdam. She studied photography at the New School University in New York, did an orientation year at the Rietveld Art Academy in Amsterdam and studied communication science at the University of Amsterdam. Ninnoc is her documentary debut.

General sponsor


2015, 19'

Directed by:
Niki Padidar

Screenplay by:
Niki Padidar

Albert Markus

Joost Seelen

Produced by:
Zuidenwind FIlmproductions

Festivals & Awards:

IDFA 2015 – Award for Best Children's Documentary; Berlin International Film Festival 2015