Erik Gandini Retrospective


Erik Gandini
Screening time  
24.02. / Wednesday, 15:00 - 17:00 Theatre 1  
Gandini displays belief in humanism and in the fact that our ideas and ways of thinking can actually change the world.

We no longer live in an isolated corner of the world. Whether we like it or not, we are all citizens of this planet. With his animated documentary Cosmopolitanism, the Swedish contemporary chronicler Erik Gandini takes the age-old concept of the film's title, revives it and puts it under his cinematic microscope in a colourful defence for cultural and political visions. Like a sociological concept detective, Gandini oscillates between arguments by the movement's supporters and meticulously hand-coloured animations, which illustrate our complex global reality. The animator couple Michelle and Uri Kranot's vibrant visuals ooze life and political restlessness, like an artistic companion to the colourfulness and diversity that the film celebrates and defends. Is the idea of a worldwide community naive and unrealistic? The answer is a resounding: no! It is not only possible, but an imperative necessity. Gandini displays an unshakeable belief in humanism and global cohesion, and in the fact that our ideas and ways of thinking can actually change the world. 


Erik Gandini

Erik Gandini, born in 1967, Sweden, is a director, producer, and writer. He has directed numerous films and documentaries highlighting Sacrificio: Who Betrayed Che Guevara? co-directed with Tarik Saleh, Surplus. Terrorized Into Being Consumers awarded in IDFA and Videocracy, award winning in Toronto and Sheffield, amongst others. ZagrebDox screened most of his films in different programs, Retrospective program included, and Gandini held the Masterclass at 12th festival edition. He is one of the founders of the Swedish production company Atmo.

General sponsor


2015, 17'

Directed by:
Erik Gandini

Screenplay by:
Erik Gandini

Vania Tegamelli, Daniel Takács, Henrik A. Meyer

Michelle Kranot, Uri Kranot

Jesper Kurlandsky, Juan Libossart

Produced by:
Fasad, Dansk Tegnefilm

Festivals & Awards:

CPH:DOX 2015