Homo Homini Dox: Retrospective of Croatian Anthropological Documentaries

Wild Station – Prkos

Zlatko Sudović
Screening time  
25.02. / Thursday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 2  
The film depicts the unusual folk tradition of burning car tyres on the railway tracks.

Since in the '60s of the last century the small town of Prkos near Zadar didn't have a train station, the daily practicing of this curious custom allowed the inhabitants of Prkos to board the train and get to work. Apart from the invaluable recording of local custom, the film offers a precious portrayal of the rituals of the day, children's games and the daily life as it unfolds in the background.

General sponsor

Divlja stanica Prkos

1968, 15' 21''

Directed by:
Zlatko Sudović

Screenplay by:
Zlatko Sudović

Frano Vodopivec

Edited by:
Blaženka Jenčik

Produced by:
Zagreb film