What will Regional Competition bring


This year ZagrebDox will present 21 documentary title from the region.

A total of 21 documentary films are competing for the Big Stamp in the regional competition, this year including nine Croatian titles. These are: Zero Dollar Baby by Damir Terešak, Inside Offside: Eat Sleep Eat Sleep by Đuro Gavran, Marathon Men by Biljana Čakić, Major by Kristijan Milić – a Croatian and Austrian co-production, Unsuccessful Totally by Ljiljana Šišmanović, They Just Come and Go by Boris Poljak, You Can Be Whatever You Want by Robert Tomić Zuber, Simpl by Silvestar Kolbas and The Steel Mill Café by Goran Dević. Croatian films and filmmakers will be introduced at a special Dox event the week ahead of the festival.

The Finnish-Bulgarian documentary The Good Postman by Tonislav Hristov is a story about a postman in a small village on the Bulgarian-Turkish border which is again gaining strategic importance due to the European refugee crisis. The protagonist runs for mayor, hoping to accept refugees and revitalise the dying village, but he soon discovers that good intentions do not guarantee a political success. The refugee topic is present in two short regional competition films: Borders by Damjan Kozole, which won the Vesna Award at the Slovenian Film Festival and Human Rights Award at the Sarajevo Film Festival, and the Austrian documentary #theircatsaswell by Lisbeth Kovacic.

The regional competition also includes the Sarajevo Film Festival winning documentary A Mere Breath, the Romanian film directed by Monica Lazurean-Gorgan, an emotional piece shedding light on the moral dilemmas of its protagonist, the father of a sick girl who is forced to choose between religion and medicine. The Serbian documentary Depth Two, directed by Ognjen Glavonić – winner of the best Balkan documentary at Dokufest Prizren – is an experimental docu-thriller about a mass grave in the suburbs of Belgrade. Another Serbian entry is Yourst Truly, Sexymaja, directed by Ivan Mandić, about the popular blog written by a young Belgrade prostitute.

Beside mentioned titles, regional competition will present The Tramway Hotel, Two Schools, Village People, The Beast Is Still Alive, Wall of Death, and All That, Four passports.

List of all films to be screend at 13th ZagrebDox is available for download HERE.