In Focus: New Europe

Begin Again

Arijana Lekić–Fridrih
Screening time  
26.02. / Monday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 4  
27.02. / Tuesday, 11:00 - 13:00 Theatre 5  

Jadranka Kosor has worked in politics for 20 years. After resigning under unexplained circumstances, Prime Minister Ivo Sanader appointed her as his successor and she became the first female Croatian prime minister. Elections of 2015 are the first ones in which the former prime minister takes part alone without the strong infrastructure of her former political party and these elections will decide her future career. During the three weeks of her campaign she has to convince the voters to give her their vote so that she gets a chance to be a member of parliament again.


Arijana Lekić–Fridrih

Arijana Lekić-Fridrih was born and lives in Zagreb. She graduated in film and video from the Arts Academy of the University in Split, and in documentary filmmaking from the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb. Begin Again (2017) is her graduate film.

General sponsor


2017, 37'

Directed by:
Arijana Lekić–Fridrih

Screenplay by:
Arijana Lekić-Fridrih

Andrea Kaštelan

Edited by:
Sandra Jelovac

Tibor Keser

Produced by:
Academy of Dramatic Art Zagreb