Restart's School of Documentary Film

Consequences of Work

Inesa Antić
Screening time  
28.02. / Wednesday, 18:00 - 20:00 Theatre 4  
Stories and songs about captivity, liberation and the consequences of labour as seen by Zoja Borovčanin.

Stories and songs about captivity, liberation and the consequences of labour as seen by Zoja Borovčanin, singer, performer and grieving worker. Belgrade nights also know her as Johana Helmut Kol, ‘a pig with lipstick’. 


Inesa Antić

Inesa Antić has a master’s degree in Political Sciences from the Faculty of Political Science in Zagreb. She works as a press liaison for various independent cultural organizations and film and music festivals. Occasionally she writes articles for Croatian and foreign media and works as an editor. She is a member of the Klubvizija film lab. Consequences of Work is her film debut.

General sponsor

Posledice rada

2017, 16' 9''

Directed by:
Inesa Antić

Screenplay by:
Inesa Antić

Inesa Antić

Edited by:
Inesa Antić

Lira Vega

Anita Bastašić

Produced by: