International Competition


Aliaksej Palujan
Screening time  
26.02. / Monday, 16:00 - 18:00 Theatre 4  
01.03. / Thursday, 19:00 - 21:00 Theatre 5  
02.03. / Friday, 13:00 - 15:00 Theatre 1  
In the Belarusian village Lubeiki life is short, but sweet.

The Belarusian village Lubeiki is inhabited solely by women. All of them happened to outlive not only their husbands, but also their children. Nevertheless, they have not lost their vitality and the will to live. In the words of one of the main characters, ‘life is short, but sweet.’


Aliaksej Palujan

Aliaksei Paluyan was born in 1989 in Baranovitchi, in the Republic of Belarus. In 2012 he started his academic studies at Art Academy Kassel in the field Visual Communication specializing in Film and Television. He works as a director of documentary and fiction films. Filmography: Country of Women (2017, short documentary), Disturbance of the Quietness (2017, short fiction), Returning (2016, short fiction), Sofia (2014, short documentary).

General sponsor


2017, 26'

Directed by:
Aliaksej Palujan

Screenplay by:
Aliaksei Paluyan

Aliaksei Paluyan

Edited by:
Kimia Eyzad-Panah, Aliaksei Paluyan


Aliaksei Paluyan

Produced by:
NUR Film Group

Festivals & Awards:

Minsk International Film Festival Listapad 2017 – Special Prize of Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia for adherence to moral ideals in cinema art