Biography Dox


Anna Yurtaeva
Screening time  
03.03. / Saturday, 15:00 - 17:00 Theatre 2  
In the focus of the "Bulgakovesque" is the house most often associated with Mikhail Bulgakov, i.e. his novel "The Master and Margarita".

The house at 302-bis is a legendary place associated with the name of Mikhail Bulgakov, in particular with his novel The Master and Margarita. The place was very important for underground youth in Moscow in 1980–1990s. Painters and poets, punks and hippies, literary critics and other fans of the novel gathered there. All their energy was splashed out on the walls of the staircase in the famous entrance No. 6 in the form of paintings and forbidden poems. The space also functioned as a social network. Next-door neighbours, angered by such a legacy produced by Bulgakov’s novel, began fighting against the youth. The wrangle over the ownership of the territory in the house in Bolshaya Sadovaya St. continues.

General sponsor


2017, 21'

Directed by:
Anna Yurtaeva

Screenplay by:
Anna Yurtaeva

Andrey Gurkin

Edited by:
Anna Yurtaeva

Anna Yurtaeva

Produced by:
Anna Yurtaeva

Festivals & Awards:

Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival 2017; Up-and-Coming – International Film Festival Hannover 2017