Controversial Dox


Jessica Champeaux
Screening time  
02.03. / Friday, 21:00 - 23:00 Theatre 1  
A personal investigation on medically assisted procreation that offes a different look on an institution that we all know and call F.A.M.I.L.Y.

The film is a personal investigation on medically assisted procreation (MAP) that gives birth to a different look on an institution that we all know and call F.A.M.I.L.Y. In Belgium, the law allows lesbian couples to have children by resorting to MAP with an anonymous sperm donor. The filmmaker wonders: can she have a viable family if the next person she encounters is a woman? Because for her, a family is made up of a father, a mother and children. She therefore sets out to meet members of these new LGBT families and the actors who have contributed to their emergence. She revisits their stories, questions herself, comes back to their pitfalls, tries to heal their wounds and pushes her thoughts a little further.


Jessica Champeaux

Jessica Champeaux is Franco-American filmmaker and photographer. After studying history and anthropology at the University of Paris, in 2004 she received her diploma from INSAS film school in Brussels. She has since produced her debut short film The Pedicure Trial (2011). F.A.M.I.L.Y (2017) is her latest documentary.

General sponsor


2017, 62'

Directed by:
Jessica Champeaux

Screenplay by:
Jessica Champeaux

Gil Decamp

Edited by:
Méline Van Aelbrouck

Jeanne Humbert, Hélène Pigeard-Benazera

Produced by:
Larsens productions