Masters of Dox

Intent to Destroy

Joe Berlinger
Screening time  
02.03. / Friday, 15:00 - 17:00 Theatre 5  
03.03. / Saturday, 20:00 - 22:00 Theatre 5  
The film gathers historians, scholars and outstanding filmmakers in a discussion about Turkish genocide over Armenian people.

Joe Berlinger embeds himself on the epic film set of Terry George’s The Promise to take an unwavering look at the Armenian Genocide. Historians, scholars, and high-profile filmmakers come together in Berlinger’s cinematic exploration of the tangled web of responsibility that has driven a century of denial by the Turkish government and its strategic allies. Intent to Destroy is a timely reckoning with the large-scale suppression of a historical tragedy. Berlinger confronts the fraught task of shedding light on the Armenian Genocide — whose witnesses and descendants are still fighting to be officially acknowledged as such by the international community — how it was carried out during World War I as the reign of the Ottoman Empire drew to a close, and how it laid the groundwork for the genocides that followed.


Joe Berlinger

Joe Berlinger is an Academy Award and seven-time Emmy nominated filmmaker. His films include Brother’s Keeper, the Paradise Lost trilogy, Metallica: Some Kind of Monster, Crude, Under African Skies and WHITEY: United States of America v. James J. Bulger. Most recently, Berlinger completed films Intent to Destroy (2017) and Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru (2016).

General sponsor

Intent to Destroy

2017, 115'

Directed by:
Joe Berlinger

Screenplay by:
Joe Berlinger, Cy Christiansen

Bob Richman

Edited by:
Cy Christiansen

Eric Esrailian, Chip Rosenbloom, Joe Berlinger

Produced by:
Radical Media

Festivals & Awards:

International Documentary Association 2017 – Pare Lorentz Award – Honorable Mention; Arpa International Film Festival 2017 – Best Documentary; San Francisco Jewish Film Festival 2017 – Freedom of Expression; DOC LA 2017 – DOC LA Award; Tribeca Film Festival 2017