Musical Globe

Imposed Piece

Brecht Vanhoenacker
Screening time  
26.02. / Monday, 15:00 - 17:00 Theatre 2  
A cinematographic chronicle revealing one of the most prestigious contests for young violinists: the Queen Elisabeth Competition.

The Queen Elisabeth Competition is a prestigious music contest alternately held for young violinists, pianists and singers in Brussels. Imposed Piece follows the 12 finalists at the 2015 violin competition. In addition to a well-known violin concerto, they also have to perform a work composed specially for the competition’s finale. They practice for eight days in complete isolation – they even have to turn over their phones – in a chapel surrounded by nature. Then there's the run-through with conductor Marin Alsop and rehearsals with the National Orchestra of Belgium. The beautifully shot and calmly edited film follows the competitors as they help one another, have breakfast together, experience doubts and practice incredibly hard for their compulsory piece. When the jury chairman announces the three winners, a confusing situation gives rise to even more tension.


Brecht Vanhoenacker

Brecht Vanhoenacker graduated from KASK, Ghent, as a master in audio-visual art. In 2004 he directed his first commercial with the production company CCP, which soon gave him the opportunity to move further on in his career. In 2014 he made Buffalo Forever his fourth film together with director Victoria Deluxe. Imposed Piece is his latest film.

General sponsor

Opgelegd Werk

2017, 74'

Directed by:
Brecht Vanhoenacker

Screenplay by:
Brecht Vanhoenacker

Maximiliaan Dierickx

Edited by:
Dieter Diependaele

Eva Van Riet

Produced by:

Festivals & Awards:

IDFA 2017; San Sebastián International Film Festival 2017; Santa Barbara International Film Festival 2018