State of Affairs


Timothy George Kelly
Screening time  
28.02. / Wednesday, 15:00 - 17:00 Theatre 5  
03.03. / Saturday, 17:00 - 19:00 Theatre 1  
The first Brexit documentary featuring Noam Chomsky.

Leave or Remain? Last summer’s completely unexpected Brexit not only divided Britain into two irreconcilable camps. Rural and urban, old and young, nationalists and migrants – and not least the ‘people’ versus the ‘elite’. But behind the many differences is a common reality, where every vote counts. This is also true in Brexitannia, the first film about Brexit, and a film that simply gives the floor to the people themselves. In (tragi)comic, angry, absurd and revealing scenes we meet the winners of the election one by one in a panoramic fresco, where pure British social realism meets sociological analysis in a cinematic framing. But it isn’t all as black and white as the images in Timothy George Kelly’s film, where also experts have something to say: Noam Chomsky gives us his wise explanation of the complex reasons for the shocking result. A phenomenon like Brexit is not just about national pride and cultural identity, it is just as much about an international reality, where the future is just as uncertain as the outcome of the next election.


Timothy George Kelly

Timothy George Kelly australski je umjetnik i redatelj koji često spaja umjetnost, glazbu i politiku. Na dokumentarnim filmovima i glazbenim spotovima surađivao je s muzičarima poput Grimes, Macom DeMarcom, Timom Heckerom i glazbenicima s ruske scene techna i rapa. Breksitanija (2017) je njegov drugi dugometražni dokumentarni film.

General sponsor


Great Britain, Russia
2017, 80'

Directed by:
Timothy George Kelly

Screenplay by:
Charlotte Kuhlbrandt, Luke Neima, Timothy George Kelly

Timothy George Kelly

Edited by:
Steven Carver

Ivan Merkulov

Pavel Karykhalin

Produced by:

Festivals & Awards:

CPH:DOX 2017; DOK.fest Munich 2017; Sheffield Doc/Fest 2017; Dokufest Kosovo 2017; RIDM 2017; Visioni dal Mondo 2017; Bristol Radical Film Festival 2017; Bergen International Film Festival 2017; Millennium Docs Against Gravity 2017; Reykjavík International Film Festival 2017; Cinema Verite – Iran International Documentary Film Festival 2017; BIDF, Budapest International Documentary Festival 2017; Valletta Film Festival 2017; UnderhillFest 2017; Göteborg Film Festival 2017; T-Mobile New HorizonsInternational Film Festival 2017; Encounters South African International Documentary Festival 2017